A quick “by the way”

If any newer readers want to read more about Little Quinn’s life, you can find links to posts I wrote during his days on Earth in my “Notable Dispatches” page, accessible by the tab link at the top of the main body of this blog.

On the “Saga’s End” post — the post I wrote on the day he died — there was an outpouring of support in comments, but those comments are now gone because they were left on an old commenting system that I no longer use here. I did save them all on my hard drive(s), however. But the general lack of condolence on the post as it exists now does not reflect what happened at the time.

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One Response to A quick “by the way”

  1. csmith2884 says:

    I am one of the "new ones". And I found the pages referenced right after I came here.

    "any words of support and love and understanding are the right words. As long as they're from the heart, they're the right words, and I value each word that anyone has ever said to me about him."

    Your words from my heart.


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