Sunday Burst of Weird and Awesome

Oddities and Awesome abound!

:: I’ve probably shared this before, but it made the rounds of Facebook again, so here’s what might be the most jaw-dropping walk up a hill in the entire world.

:: Abandoned subway infrastructure in Cincinnati.

:: And, via Facebook, the best photo on the entire Internet.

More next week!

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3 Responses to Sunday Burst of Weird and Awesome

  1. Kal says:

    "But you said I could be Battle Cat…YOU SAID!"

  2. Roger Owen Green says:

    I just don't care for tea THAT much!

  3. Bonnie McDaniel says:

    I cringed just LOOKING at those pictures.

    Who on earth came up with the idea to put a teahouse, a temple, or any other kind of building at the top of that mountain?

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