The Time Has Come!

It's TIME. Zap! Pow!!! #AmWriting

Yup…it’s time to start working on the sequel to Princesses In SPACE!!! (not the actual title). I’ve just found getting back into Deliverance, eh? a bit of a slog, for a number of reasons. First, as I’ve mentioned before, it was just a mistake to get away from that story for as long as I did. The momentum really flagged, and it’s very hard getting back to something in progress when the brain just isn’t there. Second, a byproduct of that is that my head kept right on working on notions for the Princesses sequel, and now the story has crystallized enough that it’s just starting to burst out of my head. I figure I need to listen to that impulse, and I also figure that if I start now, at 1000 words a day, I should be able to generate a first draft by fall of this year. That way I can have the decks cleared by November, just in time for this year’s NaNoWriMo, when I hope to tackle another story idea that’s been bouncing about my head for a long time.

What does this mean for Deliverance, eh and The Adventures of Lighthouse Boy? Both are back-burnered…but neither one forever. I’m not turning from them because I dislike those stories. I’m turning toward the one that I need to write the most. Which means it’s time to see what those Princesses of mine have been doing, whilst in SPACE!!!

(And no, aside from the one rejection, I have not heard a single thing more from any of my current queries. More queries are going out, though. There’s an agent for me out there, and I will find them! No matter what occurs!)

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2 Responses to The Time Has Come!

  1. Roger Owen Green says:

    Good luck and all, but you've gotten the Chambers Brothers stuck in my head.

  2. SamuraiFrog says:


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