Your Daily Dose of Christmas!

Just about every musical artist or act that sticks around for any length of time has some sort of Christmas recording out there somewhere, even if it’s a performance or two from a variety show or something. Every year for this feature I try to think up some now-obscure acts that aren’t well remembered at all beyond their likely singular hit and then I see if they did any Christmas stuff. This usually turns up an interesting little gem or two, like this: the Starland Vocal Band, performing “The First Noel”.

Funny thing: the person who posted this to YouTube apologizes for the little “nik” sound that is heard a bit at the beginning of the song. He doesn’t seem to know what that sound is…but those of us who grew up with vinyl records know, don’t we!

And if you find yourself wondering, “Who the hell is the ‘Starland Vocal Band’, anyway?!” Well, here you go.

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