A Random Wednesday Conversation Starter

Spiderman: the red costume or the black one? (On pure looks only, obviously, since the black one turned out to be a bit on the not-so-nice side….)

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4 Responses to A Random Wednesday Conversation Starter

  1. Thee Earl of Obvious says:

    Black in a homoerotic kind of way.

  2. Tonio Kruger says:

    Red, of course. Old school costumes rule!;-)

  3. Roger Owen Green says:

    Red, of course. I'm a Communist.

  4. Mark--> says:


    I was in a bar last night with the Michigan State-Gonzaga game on one of the TV's, and the camera at one point showed a (presumably) Spartan fan dressed in…a green Spiderman costume. That's just incredibly wrong. Spiderman = red.

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