Chickens in the Mist

(What the heck is this?!)


:: Here’s a picture of my dog chasing a chicken across the road! Isn’t he cute? I love when he does that!

:: Open letter to Barbra Streisand:

Dear Babs,

I know you’re upset about the war and all, and I know you’re upset because Dubya is the devil and everything, and I know you’re upset because all those poor little liberals now have to work for a living. But please don’t go on national TV again to cry about the plight of the poor chickens on the California roads, OK? It just makes you look like an asshat. Now, I know, that’s because you really are am asshat, but you probably don’t want to let that secret out. Besides, it’s not like you see any chickens on your Malibu estate. So just shut up and entertain me, and we’ll be fine, OK?



:: Oh. My. God. Michael Moore is going to make his next movie about the decline of chickens on the roads in Flint! Of course it will be full of lies. I. Cannot. Wait. To. Ridicule. It.

:: After writing that last post, the period on my keyboard broke! So! I’ll! Be! Using! Exclamation! Points! But! Right! Now! I! Have! To! Go! Stop! That! Chicken! From! Kicking! My! Dog’s! Ass!

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