Tag Archives: Space Opera

“The Force will be with you. Always.” (a repost)

Today marks the 47th anniversary of the release of George Lucas’s “little space movie”, which wasn’t even 20th Century Fox’s projected “Big Movie” of that year. Little did the world know what was about to happen…and certainly a five-year-old kid … Continue reading

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“I have come to conquer you!” A repost in honor of the great Roger Corman

Filmmaker Roger Corman died the other day. It was always easy to poke fun at Corman’s films, but he strove to make them as good as he could, and on his own terms. Corman’s studio was not only prolific but … Continue reading

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STAR TREK and Me (a repost)

I first wrote this on the old blog six years ago, on the 50th anniversary of STAR TREK’s first airing. Today that anniversary rolls around again, now the 56th, and all these words still apply, so here they are! And … Continue reading

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“Can you tell me how to get to Mandalore?” “This is the way.”

 A couple weeks ago, we finished watching Season Two of The Mandalorian, so here are my thoughts on the show, including thoughts on Season One. None of this is in any particular order. In fact, it’s pretty damned random, because … Continue reading

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Recent reading: Space wizards, zombie apocalypses, reflections of Paris, universes ending, and a LOTR-but-not-LOTR fantasy

 A few more books I’ve read of late: ::  I can’t possibly keep up with the eternal flood of new books that is Star Wars publishing, but I do try to pick and choose the ones that sound good or come … Continue reading

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Of Cackling Emperors and other things….

OK, so now that I’m done cranking out the words every day in a final push to complete a novel draft, what should we talk about? Why…how about the teaser trailer to Star Wars Episode IX that dropped a few … Continue reading

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“Happy beeps, buddy. Happy beeps.” (Thoughts on THE LAST JEDI, conclusion)

part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 So here we are, at long last: the last installment of my longform review of The Last Jedi! Huzzah!! We have now … Continue reading

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Attack of the Screw-ups (Thoughts on THE LAST JEDI, part 9)

part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 Ye Gods, there’s a lot of failure in this movie, on all sides. Nearly everybody fails in this movie at least once. I don’t … Continue reading

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“Are you the fellow who designed St. Paul’s?” “No, that’s Christopher WREN. I’m….” (Thoughts on THE LAST JEDI, part 8)

part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 Hey! Hey guys! If Kylo gets together with a bunch of his buddies, is that a Ren-fest? OK, fine. But let’s talk about Kylo Ren anyway. … Continue reading

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Snokin’ in the Boys Room (Thoughts on THE LAST JEDI, part 7)

part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 If the main heroes were underdrawn in TFA, the villains were doubly so. The First Order’s origins were completely unexplained, as was its power differential: was it the … Continue reading

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