Category Archives: Occasional Quizzes

Sunday Stealing

I actually had a different post in mind for today, but current events have made me not want to write about that particular topic just now. Instead, let’s do the Sunday Stealing, which this week is about summertime stuff. (Roger … Continue reading

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Sunday Stealing: Parts Unknown

Another week for Sunday Stealing, this time with the questions being about travel. I’ve had travel on the mind for several years now, partly from watching the wonderful shows of Anthony Bourdain and then Phil Rosenthal’s Somebody Feed Phil, and partly … Continue reading

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And now, a Quiz.

I took a couple days off from posting here, so let’s get back in the swing with a Sunday Stealing quiz! This one looks pretty benign: 1. Are you double jointed? Nope! 2. Are you ticklish? I know I used … Continue reading

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Sunday Stealing!!!

I always check out Roger’s answers to these before I decide if I want to do the quiz too–sometimes the Sunday Stealing can be a bit heavy–but this week’s seems fine, so let’s do it! 1. If you like art, … Continue reading

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Sunday Stealing

It’s early and I’m on my first cup of coffee, so I figured I’d do one of these occasional quizzes from Sunday Stealing. (The quizzes are weekly, it’s my participation that’s occasional. Roger participates every week!) Here we go! 1.  … Continue reading

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Sunday Stealing!

Swiping this from Roger, as always. 1. Do you believe in the unknown and Mystics? Not particularly. I mean, I do “believe” in things that we don’t know yet, but I do not attribute “unknowns” to anything supernatural. Neither am … Continue reading

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