Tag Archives: Anger and Rants


Hitting 90 degrees before summer starts is not helping my mood. That is all. See y’all tomorrow.  

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Thoughts as I watch the snow pile up

As I write this, we are nearing the second 24 hours of this winter’s first big lake-effect snow event. (Or we might be actually into the second 24 hours, as I’m not entirely sure when the snow began falling yesterday.) We … Continue reading

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Et tu, Ken???

You may remember several months ago when I was irate that a really good player on Jeopardy! lost because he misspelled the Final Jeopardy answer by one letter? A refresher: I don’t remember the numbers in play, but the game was … Continue reading

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Serves them right for not being musical.

I have just watched tonight’s episode of Jeopardy! and looked on in horror as all three contestants combined to go 0-5 on a category about classical music works. Yes, I’d have gone 5-5 had I been there. One was a Daily … Continue reading

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Sighing towards Gomorrah

There’s a particular type of response from Gun Enthusiasts* that you’ll run into each and every time there’s a mass shooting in this country (which means, you can see this response each and every day, if you look for it, … Continue reading

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Spring forward

Lord, I hate this crap. That is all.

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It can’t be “common” if nobody has it

I was reading Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s Substack the other day–I’ve been enjoying his writing a great deal–and I saw this quote: I have to say: I agree with this whole-heartedly. I’ve hated the phrase “common sense” for years, for the exact … Continue reading

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F*** You, Daylight Savings (but REALLY f*** you, clock changes)

Oh fer f***’s sake, here we go again. At this point I’m willing to join the growing chorus of Americans (who are always completely ignored because a constant disconnect between public opinion and actual public policy is a weird but … Continue reading

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Onward Cultural Warriors, slipping on banana peels!

 In this week’s entry in Right Wing Insanity, we have…Dr. Seuss. I shit you not. This one has been amazing in its dishonesty and stupidity all at the same time. Here’s the summary I put up on Facebook: 1. Dr. … Continue reading

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Liberatopia isn’t seeming like much of a topia these days

 Former Texas Governor and former US Secretary of Energy Rick Perry was quoted the other day as saying this: “Texans would be without electricity for longer than three days to keep the federal government out of their business.“ Well, now. … Continue reading

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