Category Archives: Commentary


Just so I have a place I can point to if anyone asks: I don’t know if he should withdraw or stay in. I do know that whatever happens, there is still a choice to be made between one party … Continue reading

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Something for Thursday (July 4 edition)

Two hundred forty-eight years, and all I can really think of is, what’s it going to look like on the two hundred forty ninth? I continue to be dismayed at the degree to which Americans are capable of being awful, … Continue reading

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The answer is “No.”

And the question is, Will you be watching the debate? Even if this was any kind of “normal” election year, I wouldn’t watch debates, because I decided years ago–2000, in fact–that political debates are a complete and utter waste of time, … Continue reading

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Hitting 90 degrees before summer starts is not helping my mood. That is all. See y’all tomorrow.  

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The Discourse ™

I’m not generally one to get moved about The Discourse, and how people can’t talk to one another anymore and all that stuff…but this clip from The Daily Show, in which John Stewart talks to a former Republican Congressman with whom … Continue reading

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Memorial Day, 2024

Remembering this day those who lost their lives fighting in wars under the American flag. I make no attempt this day to adjudicate the justness of any of those wars; there are other days for that. (image credit) Every year … Continue reading

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Today in Bookbanning

Let’s see what the bookbanners are up to, shall we? I know, it’s depressing work, but these people are relentless and they are finding more and more creative ways to tighten the noose around books, free expression, and those of … Continue reading

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The Worst Shopping Center Ever Built

I’ve had this post in my head for years, and heck, it’s time to get it outta my head and into here. (Why haven’t I written it? No real reason.) Anyway, a few miles from Casa Jaquandor is a big shopping … Continue reading

Posted in Commentary, On Buffalo and The 716 | Tagged | 2 Comments

For International Women’s Day…women!

I should really update this once in a while, but here is an incomplete photographic roster of women I admire. Happy International Women’s Day!  

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History is not a feel-good story

This is a re-post that generally reflects my frustration with the American approach to teaching and thinking about its own history. It’s not specifically about Martin Luther King Jr., but I think it applies, particularly when MLK Jr. is treated … Continue reading

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