Tag Archives: Daily Life Stuff

“Hey, why no posting for three days?!”

Well, let Inigo tell the tale here: Yeeeeeeah. That was…a weekend. Friday was busy wrapping up stuff at work so I could enjoy a three-day weekend. Saturday we went to the Sterling Renaissance Festival, where much fun was had and … Continue reading

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Doggos: an update

Hobbes (the greyhound) and Carla (the pittie) are both doing fine! Carla has been struggling with some arthritis in her joints, but last week she went to the vet for an injection of fluid into one of her troublesome joints, … Continue reading

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Today we’ve been married twenty-seven years. How did we make it this far? Mainly, it turns out that if you don’t ever want to give up, you won’t.

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That’s, “If you know, you know.” Specifically, in this case, when your mechanic tells you: “Your car’s inspection is all set! No issues.” Entering the weekend on that news is always great! (I wasn’t necessarily expecting issues, because everything’s been running fine, but … Continue reading

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Last night we went to see Phil Rosenthal at Buffalo State University. If you’re unfamiliar with Phil Rosenthal, you need to watch Somebody Feed Phil on Netflix, and you need to do so now. Right now. Go watch, I’ll wait for … Continue reading

Posted in Life, On Buffalo and The 716, On Food and Cooking, On Travels and Adventures | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

A Belated Birthday Wish to The Lydster

The Lydster, if I am reading things correctly, is 20 now. “Who?!” you may ask. A reasonable question, so I shall provide a reasonable answer: The Lydster is Roger Owen Green’s daughter Lydia. Roger has been chronicling her growth and … Continue reading

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Two scenes from a morning

As much as I’m not a fan of being up before dawn all the time, I have to admit that the pre-dawn hours have a certain beauty. Two quick shots, taking during my morning commute, before the sun has risen: … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday, My Love

As I keep adding to this post every year, and with cross-posting it and importing it from my old blog to this one, I suppose it gets a bit more ungainly each year. Well, that’s just the way it is. … Continue reading

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Heavens, what’s THAT!!!

There’s a bright thing in the sky! Has anybody contact NORAD about this?! I kid, obviously…and complaining about the lack of sunshine this time of year is just a thing we WNYers do, along with bemoaning the latest Bills playoff … Continue reading

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If God meant for us to shovel snow, we’d have shovels instead of hands!

If you’re at all familiar with what’s been going on in the Buffalo Niagara region lately, you probably already know why I took an unplanned hiatus from blogging this week: Lake Erie decided this was a good time to remind … Continue reading

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