Tag Archives: books

2024 in Books (January through June)

As with the 2024 in Movies post, I’m starting this on December 31, 2023 and will fill it in as I go throughout the year. [And as with the Movies post, I’m changing my mind and posting this halfway through the … Continue reading

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New video!!!

I guess the title says it all, huh? I bought some books, and here I unpack them. Because unpacking books is a blast! Everybody should unpack books!

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On the Romance of Old Maps

Roger wrote a lovely post the other day about old maps: When I was growing up, my grandfather, McKinley Green, gave me the maps included in his subscription to National Geographic magazine. I still have many of those old maps … Continue reading

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I’ll have more to say later at some point, but I’ve just read one of the earliest Star Trek novels, a 1974 book called Spock, Messiah!. And it is both super weird and not weird enough. I need to think … Continue reading

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A Small Haul

This year I have imposed a new rule: I will buy no books until our annual trip to Ithaca in the fall. I really really need to read up on my own library! I will make a couple of exceptions for special … Continue reading

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“Ho! Ho! Ho! To the bottle I go….”

Ho! Ho! Ho! to the bottle I go To heal my heart and drown my woe. Rain may fall and wind may blow, And many miles be still to go, But under a tall tree, I will lie, And let … Continue reading

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A lovely haul

One thing I forgot to mention the other day (aside from citing a visit to a specific Barnes&Noble) is that a big part of our Ithaca vacation each year is a book binge. I save up for quite a while … Continue reading

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“Can you love someone you don’t remember?” (A book review)

How can love persist in a world without memory? That’s the question posed by author Sarina Dahlan in her debut novel, Reset. A while back I received an advance copy of a this novel, and I’m happy to report that it’s … Continue reading

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“And there was evening, and there was morning—the fifth day”

Yeah, I’m pretty much back to normal this morning. I’m not planning on testing myself again until tomorrow, but it’s really looking like I’ve weathered my own personal COVID storm pretty well. I’m one of the lucky ones for whom … Continue reading

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Sheila O’Malley re-shared her post on the anniversary of Roger Ebert’s passing today, and I thought, why not do the same? Here’s what I posted the day he died. I still miss his writing. There’s something about those Chicago newspaper … Continue reading

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