Tag Archives: Food

What to put on your next hot dog

Banana peppers and hot pepper jelly. As Emeril Lagasse often said, “Oh yeah babe.”

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Last night we went to see Phil Rosenthal at Buffalo State University. If you’re unfamiliar with Phil Rosenthal, you need to watch Somebody Feed Phil on Netflix, and you need to do so now. Right now. Go watch, I’ll wait for … Continue reading

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Mmmm, noodle soup!

Not really soup, actually, but it’s fun to use a relatively obscure Friends reference to title a post. Anyway, last night I finally got to use the noodle bowl I got for Christmas! How did we get to almost April … Continue reading

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My culinary curiosity has limits….

While discoursing about food over on Threads earlier, I learned that in some Chinese eateries–probably the ones in bigger cities, with proper Chinatowns–you can order a plate of duck tongues. Yup. I had no idea this existed. Apparently this is … Continue reading

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From the Books: On Jeff Smith, problematic people, food, and memory (a repost)

This is a repost that first appeared three years ago, on the old blog. I’m reposting it now, because of the season and because I’ve been thinking today, prompted by discussions elsewhere, about problematic people and what to do with … Continue reading

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Adventures in Hot Booze

The Tom and Jerry is a beloved holiday cocktail in these parts. And I knew nothing about it until just a few years ago. The drink is basically a kind of boozy eggnog, with extra spices, served hot. It’s really … Continue reading

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Coffee memories….

I’ve become pretty good at making coffee over the years (I’ve even written about all my various methods of preparation). While it took me a long time to get to drinking coffee, I have to admit my mother’s influence on … Continue reading

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Making Alton Brown’s Aged Eggnog, part one

I’ve discovered the last year or two that I really like eggnog. I’ve also discovered that my family dislikes eggnog, so…I get to drink it all! Yay! This year I’m going one step farther: I’m making my own eggnog. Specifically, … Continue reading

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How to make a really, really good (and gooey) breakfast sandwich

Fry two slices Taylor Pork Roll. I prefer thick slices. If you’re unfamiliar with Taylor Pork Roll, it’s a processed ham product, not unlike Spam, that is popular in New Jersey. I like it quite a lot…it really is like Spam, … Continue reading

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From the Books: “Make the Bread, Buy the Butter” (a repost)

From the archives: I don’t own this book yet. But I’ve had it checked out of the library a majority of the weeks it’s been in the collection, which means that it’s well past time for me to get off … Continue reading

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