Tag Archives: Politics

The answer is “No.”

And the question is, Will you be watching the debate? Even if this was any kind of “normal” election year, I wouldn’t watch debates, because I decided years ago–2000, in fact–that political debates are a complete and utter waste of time, … Continue reading

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The Odd Pathology of the Politician’s Mind

Here’s something that I’ve been thinking about all day. It’s a video of Senator Ted Cruz cheerfully walking up the aisle at Yankee Stadium, as Yankee fans make their opinions of him loudly known, right to his face. this man … Continue reading

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What a, very strange, piece of writing

Setting aside all the various issues with its interpretation–and honestly, I’ve pretty much conclusively come to the conclusion that it should simply be repealed entirely–I realized anew that other day just how weird the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution … Continue reading

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Tab Closing Day

Time to close out some tabs I’ve had open for a while: ::  The Future Republicans Want A look at the unbelievably fascist document that is the official platform of the Texas Republican Party: The fundamentalist religious fervor perhaps extends … Continue reading

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Then: Hoovervilles! Now: Shapirovilles!

So, a couple weeks back, a video made the rounds of social media that was billed as “A progressive DESTROYS Ben Shapiro!!!!” Now, this is an obnoxious tendency in our click-bait era, when any time a person on one side … Continue reading

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A Proposed AMENDMENT, addressing certain ISSUES pertaining to the SUPREME COURT of these UNITED STATES.

Here’s something I’ve been thinking about for quite a while: how I would fix the Supreme Court. Obviously, I’m not an expert and am quite possibly wrong in many ways, but you have to start SOMEWHERE, right? Here’s my proposed … Continue reading

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Dear 45 (an Open Letter to the President of the United States)

As I write this, you are still President, for another 47 minutes. I guess it’s time to reflect a bit. Here’s part of what I wrote to you four years ago today:  I do not support you, and I do … Continue reading

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One Day More

This is the photo I took on the morning of Election Day, 2016. It seemed like a bright and optimistic day. I captioned it on Instagram: “Looks like a nice morning to make some history happen!” The next morning, in … Continue reading

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Democracy: I Did It

 Specifically, I did the democracy thing the other day, on Saturday, when early voting started in New York State. I got to the polling place (a local community center) about ten minutes before it opened, and at that point there … Continue reading

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“I’ve learned so much”

In Larry McMurtry’s great Western novel Lonesome Dove, for much of the novel the point of view changes between the main story (a group of Texas cattlemen leading their herds north for selling) and a secondary plot in which we … Continue reading

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