Category Archives: On Cats and Cat Life

It’s the weekend. Here’s a cat.

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What is that cat-shaped object on the wall?

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Domestic Bliss

In which I attempt to share a video I took with my phone: Carla and Remy, deciding to battle for supremacy of…The Wife’s lap. Yup, this is what goes on here sometimes. (No one was hurt…and eventually Remy left and … Continue reading

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Busy day…

…so here’s a dog. And a cat.

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One of my cats is FOUL.

FOUL: Feline Of Unusual Length, obviously.  

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The Four-Legged State of Affairs

Recent adventures in Pet-land:  

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Meanwhile, cats.

Lazy good-for-nothin’s!  

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And now…

…a feline being a doofus. Have a great weekend, folks! I have a busy weekend planned so I’ll likely not be posting again until Monday. Cheerio!  

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