Category Archives: On Books

2024 in Books (January through June)

As with the 2024 in Movies post, I’m starting this on December 31, 2023 and will fill it in as I go throughout the year. [And as with the Movies post, I’m changing my mind and posting this halfway through the … Continue reading

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New video!!!

I guess the title says it all, huh? I bought some books, and here I unpack them. Because unpacking books is a blast! Everybody should unpack books!

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On the Romance of Old Maps

Roger wrote a lovely post the other day about old maps: When I was growing up, my grandfather, McKinley Green, gave me the maps included in his subscription to National Geographic magazine. I still have many of those old maps … Continue reading

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I’ll have more to say later at some point, but I’ve just read one of the earliest Star Trek novels, a 1974 book called Spock, Messiah!. And it is both super weird and not weird enough. I need to think … Continue reading

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From the Books, for International Women’s Day

This is a repost from a couple of years ago. I chose to repost this, about a book by astronomer Sara Seager, because it has lodged in my brain since I read it. I generally try to avoid reading grief … Continue reading

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A Small Haul

This year I have imposed a new rule: I will buy no books until our annual trip to Ithaca in the fall. I really really need to read up on my own library! I will make a couple of exceptions for special … Continue reading

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From the Books: On Jeff Smith, problematic people, food, and memory (a repost)

This is a repost that first appeared three years ago, on the old blog. I’m reposting it now, because of the season and because I’ve been thinking today, prompted by discussions elsewhere, about problematic people and what to do with … Continue reading

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(image credit) I’m currently reading a book called All the Beauty in the World, by Patrick Bringley. The book is a memoir of Bringley’s tenure as a guard at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, a job he … Continue reading

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From the Books: “Make the Bread, Buy the Butter” (a repost)

From the archives: I don’t own this book yet. But I’ve had it checked out of the library a majority of the weeks it’s been in the collection, which means that it’s well past time for me to get off … Continue reading

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“It isn’t fair, it isn’t right” (From the Books)

A literary anniversary went by last week, and I do want to mark its passing: on June 26, 1948, seventy-five years ago, The New Yorker published a new story by author Shirley Jackson. By this time Jackson was an established writer, … Continue reading

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