Frak! Frak frak frakkity frakking frak.

One of my most beloved literary traditions, the annual Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror volume, will not be published this year. Those books are worth their price just for the introductory essays alone; they are chock full of reading recommendations and reviews of the year gone by in Fantasy and Horror, with long essays on graphic novels and music and movies as well as literary F&H. I get hours of pleasure from those essays each year, and their information always goes a long way to shaping what I read over the coming year. And that’s before I even mention that these books are, each one of them, wonderful anthologies of fine fiction as well.


I’m not sure as yet if any publishers have picked up YBFH in the current publisher’s stead. We’ll see. But the prospect of no YBFH in 2009 makes the coming year feel all the bleaker, and if there’s one thing 2009 doesn’t need more of, it’s the prospect of more bleak.


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