Untitled Post

Man, I take a posting break and Sean has his biggest posting outbreak in quite some time.

Anyway, I certainly agree with him that Christopher Hitchens is overly snide and arrogant. It’s a real mark of a boor when they say something you probably agree with, and you run screaming anyway. I really don’t think that the Ten Commandments are the ultimate foundation of all law or morality, and I think that one can have a just State without them, and I certainly don’t think any kind of monument to them has any place in a court of law in this country. (And there are gradations here, too: putting a nice picture or plaque of the Commandments on the wall is one thing. But plunking down a multi-ton granite monument to them, front and center, just ain’t right.)

But Lord, Hitchens is an ass. (No, I’m not linking his article. That’s because he’s an ass.)

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