Yup, one of the stories I sent out over the weekend (the “Snow White” story) has been rejected already. It was a pretty nice rejection, with some general commentary about the tone and even some reading suggestions for other authors whose work I should study if I plan to write this kind of thing in the future. (Although, the authors the editor suggested don’t strike me as being germane to what I was actually attempting with the story, which poses to me the possibility of other problems with the thing.) All this surprised me, since the editor went on to say that even if I reworked the story accordingly it still probably wouldn’t fit with what the publication in question normally does, so this editor took time to give a few general suggestions for a story that’s not really what he would print anyway.
Oh well. Later today I’ll figure out what market gets this one next.
(I should note that as a rule I have little interest in reworking old stories to fit suggestions like the ones this editor gave. If he had specifically requested a rewrite, that’s one thing; and I will probably check out the two writers he named, since both are writers I’ve heard of but not got round to actually reading yet. But I’m not one to try to retrofit old stories. I’m a “What’s next?” kind of guy.)