One: Even though I’m not doing any kind of hiatus, blogging will be sporadic until I get the manuscript mark-ups done on Princesses In SPACE!!! (not the actual title). You knew that. But also, I’ve decided to forego the Sentential Links feature until after the election is over, because it’s just too tempting for me to post a bunch of “Romney sucks!” linkage. I don’t want to do that. It’s easy enough to find that sort of content about if you really want it. Any political things I have to say that I just gotta get out, I’ll either Tweet or post on my Tumblr, which is basically a collection of useless stuff, anyway. I’m a terrible Tumblr-er.
Two: I won’t be posting any regular recaps of the Buffalo Bills’ games this season. It’s not that they suck, it’s just that I don’t really want to write much about football anymore. So…I won’t!
Back to our regularly scheduled insanity….