This morning it fell to me to get up and take Hobbes out for his morning relief walk, which this time of year happens before sunrise. On the way back, I saw a jet contrail in the sky, and this one was neat because it wasn’t just a normal grayish-white contrail, but rather it was lit up goldren-red by the sun that was still beneath the horizon. I always like seeing the shiny contrails of early-morning flights, and sometimes the planes themselves are also catching the morning sun as they jet across the sky, carrying their passengers to adventures galore, some happy and some sad and some probably boring.
Ten minutes later, as Hobbes and I were getting home, I looked up again. That first contrail was much longer and was starting to spread out as they always do…but then I noticed not one but two other contrails, left by planes that were flying almost the exact same path. I had never seen that before. I briefly thought to run inside and check a flight-tracker site to see if I could figure out which planes these were and where they were going on their route that took all three right over our house, but I got wrapped up in dishing up Hobbes’s breakfast and making the coffee and whatnot, so by the time I remembered I had no chance of figuring it out. Oh well. Sometimes mysteries are better left unsolved!
Bon voyage, folks!