Last weekend, The Wife and I attended the Sterling Renaissance Festival. We went by ourselves and The Daughter stayed home, because we didn’t want to board the dogs overnight; but never fear, The Daughter was able to use the third ticket today. In fact, she’s there as I write this.
I took a ton of photos that day, so let’s just get to them. More are available on this Flickr album, including some images that I didn’t revise in Lightroom.

The Renaissance Faire continues to be a pleasant mix of the old and comforting with the new and exciting. I didn’t see as much of the Festival’s cast interacting with the attendees in impromptu displays of Elizabethan-inspired improv this year, but there was still quite a bit of that. Also, we seem to eat less at the Festival than we usually do. Lunch was a turkey leg (and I managed to eat mine without getting barbecue sauce on my white shirt!), later we had wine slushies and She had a pickle while I enjoyed a pretzel. We stopped for fried chicken on the way home. I do admit that I had plans on a slice of cake, but they were sold out when I got back just before the evening joust, and honestly, I’m not sorry about that. Much.
The weather for us this year was nearly perfect: low humidity, temperatures in the mid to high 70s, and decent breezes through the wooded Festival grounds. I continue to be amazed at my adaptation to heat as I get older. Years ago wearing overalls to the Faire would have been unthinkable, and yet, here I was!

And now, another year is over. Next up for us, Festival-wise, is the Erie County Fair, and then about six weeks after that, we’re off to Ithaca. This is a wonderful time of year.
I COVET a turkey leg like that.