An impolite thought….

I’m really sorry that Rush Limbaugh’s recent hospital trip in Hawaii was not a massive, and fatal, heart attack.

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5 Responses to An impolite thought….

  1. Lynn says:

    "Rush Limbaugh and Pat Robertson were the only fatalities in today's terrorist attack at the Hotel…"

    Is it evil to have such fantasies?

  2. Roger Owen Green says:

    What was it that Evanier said? that he had a heart attack after seeing Obama's Hawaii birth certificate.

  3. Kelly Sedinger says:

    To my buddy who keeps attempting to comment:

    Why are you bothering? Exactly zero people are reading your thoughts. I don't even read them before I delete them. It's your time and energy, but really, you might put it to better use, you know?

  4. Kerry says:

    I wonder to whom you are referring above? Hmmmm….


  5. Kelly Sedinger says:

    I wonder to whom you are referring above? Hmmmm….

    Yeah, Mr. Manners-and-Insight finally wore out his welcome, so into the Bozo Bin he goes. But hey, I lasted longer than you did! Ha!!!

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