
Time for another photographic grab-bag from the last few weeks!

It’s always sad when you reach the bottom of the coffee cup.

Fortune cookies tell all, don’t they?

Yeah, that was a fun Monday:
I continue to recharge by frequently rewatching Neil Gaiman’s commencement speech from a year ago:
When the storms come in:
It’s mint harvest time! (For making mojitos.)
Leaving work under a sky like this is always nice.
Our attempts to teach Lester how to use a leash are not going well.
Single malt to celebrate the completion of major book edits!
Our “sensitive plant” develops these little flowers:

Once in a while at work I have to hang a neon beer sign.

Recent dinners include banana peppers which I stuffed with sausage and cheese and then roasted:

There’s always pizza at some point or other:

Smores. I can generally eat about two of these before I get that “OMG I just ate an entire hippopotamus” feeling.

Cranberry kisses are delicious!
(It’s a drink with spiced rum, Collins mix, and cranberry juice.)

Along Erie County’s back roads:

Cat-related stuff happens a lot.

In that last one, Lester is on my lap, watching Cosmos with me. Note his eyes reflected in my laptop screen, via the flash! I don’t think he understood the show’s scientific content, though. Oh well, even Carl Sagan can’t reach everyone.

Sometimes I offer great wisdom at rock-bottom prices.
Book production continues.

And here, from the comic strip Blondie, is my new favorite sentence:

And finally, for all who had good wishes and kind words on Little Quinn’s tenth birthday, thank you!

More to come in a couple weeks!

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