Live, laugh, learn (or something like that): A Sunday Stealing quiz

Interesting format for this week’s Sunday Stealing: instead of a selection of questions, it’s a series of prompts. I’m going to try to do these in one sentence each. Let’s see how that works out, shall we?

Reveal yourself in 24 easy steps

I am not: the least bit interested in pulling the weeds out back that I’ve been neglecting for a while now, and I am really going to regret not doing it sooner.

I hurt: at really random times these days, which I suppose goes with being 53 and well into the time of life when the body just hurts sometimes, regardless of whether or not you actually did anything that could cause an injury.

I love: photography.

I hate: missing the shot entirely because I dilly-dallied and didn’t even get the camera up. An attempt that misfires is one thing, but not even attempting is just duh. (Well, my “one sentence per reply” thing didn’t last long, but hey, did anybody reading this think it would?)

I fear: the prospect of enough Americans rising up to defeat the current possibility for the country shooting itself in the foot, but those Americans not being geographically distributed in a way that allows them to win.

I hope: for a gigantic rejection of American conservatism in November.

I regret: the shot I missed last Tuesday. 

I cry: every time that goofball cropduster guy realizes he has to sacrifice himself to save the world in Independence Day. (Sheesh!)

I care: about the unfair nature of breed-specific dog legislation.

I always: fasten both straps on my overalls. The one-strap thing always feels weird on me, like there’s all this strange tugging and pulling when overalls shouldn’t do that, and I dunno, it feels kind of unfair to put all that responsibility for the structural integrity of one’s pants on a single shoulder strap and buckle-hook.

I long: to go back to Hawaii.

I listen: to The Wife. Or I try to. Not always successful, and this always gets pointed out when it happens.

I hide: the keys for my tool cabinet at work. I just have to.

I write: less than I used to, which is a little bit of a problem! I need to find the balance between the writing and the photography.

I miss: that one coworker who brought all kinds of weird joy to the party. I’m still in contact, but she left The Store several years ago.

I search: for good deals on vintage overalls and cool tops on a daily basis. I don’t buy much these days, but you never know!

I learn: by doing. I learn more from doing something once or twice than by watching it a hundred times.

I feel: like the world is trying to turn better? Like a series of better choices might be in the offing?

I know: way too much odd minutiae about Star Wars.

I want: a full-frame mirrorless camera with three or four lenses to use with it, and a week in Toronto or Honolulu to put it through its paces.

I worry: about what if the world isn’t trying to turn better.

I wish: for more wishes. Duh!

I have: a little black book with my poems in….

I give: zero shits about how good it is for me, I am not eating broccoli!

I wait: for a better day.

I need: more money, a house with a big enough room with bookshelves to allow single shelving of my books, a dozen pitties and maybe a few greyhounds too, and as it’s been a while, I probably need a pie in the face.

And that’s it!

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