Off to Arrakis!

Off to Arrakis!, originally uploaded by Jaquandor.

OK, Cal. Now we shall see what is up with this favorite book of yours. Oh yes, we shall see.

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4 Responses to Off to Arrakis!

  1. Call me Paul says:

    At last! Huzzah! Or something.

  2. Kal says:

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE….I am so interested in hearing what you think. I am afraid I overhyped it. But I thought I wouldn't like Dr. Who with how everyone hyped it for me but I am loving it.

    Remember I found Dune – the novel AFTER seeing the David Lynch movie.

    Hope you love it.


  3. Kal says:

    Would you mind if I posted that picture of you on my blog. I want to do a Jaquandor reading DUNE post.

  4. Kelly Sedinger says:

    Go right ahead! It's right there on my Flickr stream.

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