Quick hits:
:: Jesse of Pandagon has an excellent refutation of part of the whole “stay married for the kids” meme (responding to a Lileks-in-creepy-judgmental-mode piece).
:: Kevin Drum has a capture of the BBC homepage when Schwarzenegger threw his hat into the ring. Check out the headline above the main headline.
:: Time for my monthly plug of Mike’s Baseball Rants. Even if you’re not totally up on baseball, his blog is worth reading for the pop-culture references alone (the best of which he seems to hoard for his takedowns of Joe Morgan). (And on a side-note, just how many more souls does John Sheurholz have to sell to Satan, anyway? Atlanta’s pitching finally, at long last, stinks, and they’re still putting up the best record in the Majors? Huh-whuh?!)
:: Words fail me.
:: Mental image of the day, courtesy of the Jim Rome Show: a California gubernatorial debate featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Larry Flynt, some porn star I’ve never heard of, and Gary Coleman. Rome noted that Coleman won’t be able to use a traditional podium, so maybe they’d get him a table like the ones in nursery schools….(I’ll see if I can’t find a link for this later on). As Rome said, “Louisiana almost electing David Duke as its Governor isn’t even as bad as this.”