Sentential Links #178

Time for linkage.

:: And, jam on fresh bread is a perfectly acceptable dinner.

:: Can you see what’s wrong with this book cover? I’d say it’s either that Loring picked the worst possible title for a novel about the horsey set or that whoever painted the art read neither the book nor its title.

:: Who knew sex is fun? Alert the media!

:: It’s not enough now to just be a lite version of a Rush Limbaugh clone. You have to now go full wingnut and parrot the paranoid talking points of a Glenn Beck to be considered credible among the Freepocracy. If ACORN, George Soros, and Birther crap don’t get a mention on any given day, you’ve abdicated your duties as a wingnut talk show host in 2009. (Mostly an account of one of the most prominent local blogger’s sudden flare-up with one of the local talk-radio windbags. I’ve never listened to Bauerle, but there’s always some crappy local Limbaugh wannabe, a-rantin’ away. Oh well.)


:: He looked like my banner.

:: All you can do is try. And as my grandmother used to say to us: it is not worthy of humanity to give up. (Farewell, Hilzoy, and we thank you.)

More next week.

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