:: I am painting the attic, even though it takes time away from writing a decent blog post.
:: Describe exactly how, when, and where your accident occurred?
:: To nobody’s surprise, Jeffy’s breath carries the awful stench of death.
That’s about it. More next week.
I called it Arizona Apartheid, and took some heat for it.
Oh, speaking of links, I've just changed my URL in honor of my 5th blogiversary. Only 3 years and 3 months behind you – eh, I'll always be 39 months behind you…
Wow, you've got some grade-A right-wing idiots commenting over there. Ye Gods. I always love the "If you haven't done anything wrong you have nothing to worry about!" line of thought. I also like the "It's not about Hispanics, it's about illegals!" nonsense — especially when Arizona turned right around and then legislated that teachers who speak with too thick an accent should be removed from classrooms.