OUR SCENE: A large suburban grocery store, where Your Humble Narrator is working to hang decorative string-lights above one of the departments. Along comes a HAPPY COWORKER WHO LIKES TO MAKE HAPPY JOKES.
HAPPY COWORKER: [grinning widely] Hey! You light up my life!
YOUR HUMBLE NARRATOR: [returns smile] Hey! I get that reference!
HAPPY COWORKER: [still grinning, but a bit quizzically now] Reference?
YOUR HUMBLE NARRATOR: [smile starts getting nervous] The song?
HAPPY COWORKER: [somehow still grinning, even though she has completely no idea what YHN is talking about] Song?
YOUR HUMBLE NARRATOR: [look of shell-shocked defeat] Nothing….
The HAPPY COWORKER goes off in search of more amusement, leaving YOUR HUMBLE NARRATOR to diminish and fade into the West….
First time I’ve thought about this song since I was a kid, I’m guessing….
A second-generation pop star! I was not a fan of Pat, truth to tell, and this song which was the #1 song for the YEAR it came out… well, my teeth are still gnashing.