Something for Thursday

Born on this date in 1813: Giuseppe Verdi, one of the greatest of all composers and a titan of the operatic stage. Many composers lived short lives in ill health and little acclaim, but not so Verdi: he lived to be 87 and was such a beloved figure in Italy that when he died, over 300,000 people attended his funeral.

I’m sad to admit that I don’t know Verdi’s operas very well at all, but this particular excerpt is a favorite of mine. Here is the “Triumphal March” from Aida.

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One Response to Something for Thursday

  1. Joyce E Lee says:

    Today I happened to read a letter you wrote to my husband in Mar 2005. It was so well written that I looked up your name and came by this site. I was delighted to see that you are an author though too bad I’m not a fiction reader.
    However, I must tell you that in that 2005 letter, you spoke of Quinn being 7 months old and not doing well. I was sorry to read today then that you lost him between 1 and 2 y/o. I was particularly moved by what you wrote this past Aug 26 in memory of his birth.
    REL has been gone 2+years now and I am moving some things to WC archives tomorrow. It was touching to read so many grateful letters from his students today — yours being one of them. Thank you, Kelly.
    Mrs REL (Joyce)

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