Oddities and Awesome abound!
:: You know what they say about guys with big feet…they wear big shoes!
:: Scrap metal thieves annoy me, but I can’t help but on some level admire two guys who made a pretty penny by stealing a frakkin’ BRIDGE and selling it for scrap. Wow.
:: I can’t help but link this: a lovely young woman consumes a cheeseburger in one bite. The fact that she’s also wearing overalls is just a bonus.
No, I will not be making any attempt to replicate this feat. A man’s got to know his limitations.
Estefan did another one, probably from the same episode, but I couldn’t find it on YouTube, so here it is. And just because, here are some other “celebrities with the Muppets” clips that I particularly like.
Nathan Lane:
Diana Krall:
Garth Brooks:
Norah Jones:
No singing, but here’s Patrick Stewart:
More next week!