Here we go again. Last week’s entry still has no guesses, which displeases me; there’s gotta be one neo-maxi-zoom-dweebie amongst my readership. UI 38 was finally identified, after some hint-giving by me, as the field near Clear Lake, IA where the plane carrying Buddy Holly, the Big Bopper, and Richie Valens crashed.
Anyhow, time for the new entry:
Where are we? Rot-13 your guesses!
Zl svefg thrff n juvyr onpx jnf Jevtyrl Svryq, Srajnl Cnex, be Lnaxrr Fgnqvhz. Abar bs gurz unir nqwnprag ohvyqvat jvgu gur pbeerpg bevragngvba.
V pna’g guvax bs nal bgure onfronyy fgnqvhzf cnpxrq vagb gur pvgl yvxr gung?
Vf gur fgnqvhz fgvyy orvat hfrq?
Lbh’er ba gur evtug genpx…erzrzore, jr’er gnyxvat cebkvzvgl gb gur fgnqvhz, abg gur fgnqvhz vgfrys.
BX vg vf 658 Ornpba Fgerrg va Obfgba, vg ybbx yvxr vg vf cneg bs Obfgba Havirefvgl ohg vf evtug npebff gur fgerrg sebz Xrazber fgngvba. Gunaxf gb Tbbtyr Fgerrg ivrj, gur fgehpgher ba gur gbc vf gur Pvgtb fvta lbh pna frr sebz Srajnl. Qnza Erq Fbk snaf! Abj V tbg gb guvax bs na bofpher 80’f zbivr lbh yvxr. 🙂