When Santa cracks open a cold one

Boy, I’ll bet Santa gets really tired this time of year! I envision him getting home after flying all over the world and just staggering into the bedroom, grumbling something guttural at Mrs. Claus, collapsing into his recliner, accepting a spiked beverage of some sort from his personal elf, and then flipping on his TV to watch whatever it is that Santa watches. Elf porn, maybe. Or football.

Anyway, Christmas was a very nice affair here at Casa Jaquandor. I gave The Wife several books, a couple of DVDs, the new Loreena McKennitt CD, and a few other cool things; she gave me a new Henley shirt (I love Henleys, and my older ones are getting seriously ratty, thus requiring an upgrade over the last few months), a gift card to Borders, a set of utensils for making and consuming sushi (now I gotta learn to make sushi!), and a couple other items. The Daughter, of course, cleaned up: a toy puppy that wags its tail and actually licks you, one of those GigaPet games, a couple of board games, a few books, and so on.

Christmas dinner was a pork tenderloin on which I applied some kind of rub before we roasted it, scalloped corn, acorn squash (baked in a mixture of maple syrup and some other stuff), and the requisite rolls and biscuits.

Oh, and the new computer? It rocks. For a time yesterday I shut the world out, by watching parts of Revenge of the Sith on my computer screen. Life can not conceivably get any better!

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One Response to When Santa cracks open a cold one

  1. Belladonna says:

    I’ve learned a new holiday dish…mashed PARSNIPS instead of spuds. Quite tasty actually.

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