Cute Kitchen Gadgets

Teapot II, originally uploaded by Jaquandor.

I posted a series of photos of this item to my Flickr stream, but I wanted to mention it here as well: a nifty single-serving teacup for brewing loose tea. I love this thing. It’s made by the folks at Rishi Tea, and it works wonderfully well; there’s a pleasing quality to loose tea that is somehow lost in the whole teabag thing.

I don’t have a point here; I just think this little teapot is nifty as hell.

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3 Responses to Cute Kitchen Gadgets

  1. LC Scotty says:

    Does it actually taste different?

  2. Kelly Sedinger says:

    I don’t know if it tastes different because it’s loose tea or not, but the stuff I’m using (Rishi Tea’s Green Mint) tastes better than any green tea I’ve had thus far, and I’ve had a bunch.

  3. teflonjedi says:

    This kind of teapot is very common over here in China. What folks will typically do is pour the hot water into the teapot the first time, and then pour it out after about 30 seconds, before re-pouring and then serving. They do this so as to “clean” the tea leaves. Perhaps I’ll write about this tonight or tomorrow, when I have some time…

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