Amateur mistakes, I got ’em

We were at Canalside in downtown Buffalo the other day for a greyhound meet-up. It was a lovely time and I took a lot of photos, but I wasn’t super happy with my output, because the light was really bright and garish and made compositions difficult, and because I screwed up and didn’t check my focus settings first. So I ended up taking every photo with the camera set for Continuous Autofocus, which is what you want to use when you’re photographing something that’s moving, not something that is either stationary or moving slowly.

So, few of my photos had the clarity that I wanted.

A learning experience, then!

The Inner Harbor, also called Canalside, in downtown Buffalo. All those people on the far walkway are there for the annual MS Walk, which we didn’t realize was happening. I didn’t do anything to adjust this photo from RAW because I’m really not terribly happy with it in the first place. Harumph!

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