Buffalo, conquering the world!

Gregg Easterbrook, who can be right once in a while, on Buffalo pizza:

TMQ lamented that it longs to savor Chicago deep-dish pizza; those objects in the grocer’s freezer just don’t do it, and restaurant chains that advertise “Chicago-style” pizza seem to mean East Chicago, Ind. Jeff Roberts of Columbus, Ohio, reported that Giordano’s, the current mecca of deep-dish pizza, now ships its pies overnight. The new pizza sensation that’s waiting to happen is Buffalo pizza, which is roughly a cross between Chicago style and the Greenwich Village style of “foldable” pizza preferred in New York City. An out-of-the-way place called Bocce Club in the Buffalo suburbs makes the best Buffalo-style pizza and also ships overnight. Taste-makers, this form of pizza needs to be discovered.

I’ve long thought that people ’round these parts are too hard on Buffalo pizza. Let its praises be sung!

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