
This is one of the best David Caruso moments ever.

No reason, I just love this moment.

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4 Responses to Carusology

  1. Roger Owen Green says:

    Oddly, it reminds me of a scene in the Iron Man MOVIE.

  2. Unknown says:

    Excuse my while I clean the tea from my keyboard. I had totally forgotten that scene and it has everything I love about CSi Miami. I'm kinda hoping that one day David Caruso and William Shatner will make a movie together (I'd settle for Shatner on CSI), that would be epic.

  3. Kal says:

    Oh that is so lame. Caruso is so lame. Why couldn't he have been unable to open that car door? I hate him so much that everytime I see that show on TV I want to kill a ginger. Never liked his 'style' of acting and hope the Miami sun gives him dick and face cancer. Did I make my point? I would hate to not be able to say what I really think. Gah!

  4. redsneakz says:

    Cool guys don't look at explosions.

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