He said his name was “Adlai”….

I don’t normally bother with Internet personality quizzes, but the Are You a Neocon? quiz, linked by The Modulator (which sounds like a supervillain the X-Men might face), was a pretty interesting one, with actual nuanced questions. One problem I had is that, on at least three of the questions, there were two answers that I could honestly say represented my views, and there’s one question that doesn’t have any answers that I felt truly represented my views. Anyhow, I’m sure it will come as little surprise that the quiz pegged me as a Liberal (the other possibilities being an Isolationist, a Realist, or a Neoconservative). What interests me is that in most of the questions I specifically did not choose the responses that seemed most clearly “liberal” to me – – i.e., the “We’re a bunch of imperialistic bullies and it’s no wonder they hate us” responses. And still, the quiz marked me as “Liberal”.

Gregory Harris also took the quiz, and somehow he got scored a “Realist”. Must be the three martinis he had for lunch. (I wonder if he’s getting tired about my martini jokes lately?)

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