Last Update

Today, at the official 22-week point, The Wife went into labor, delivering Fiona Quinn at around 9:30 a.m. Our child lived for just under two hours, dying at about 11:30 a.m.

All that’s left now is incidental detail — recovery for my wife who’s been bedridden for seventeen days, yet another homecoming without a child in our arms, massive hospital bills, and lots of grieving.

This blog will probably lay fallow for a while now. Possibly a good while. We’ll see.

UPDATE: Or maybe the blog will lay fallow for a few hours, until I get sick of moping. As moping goes, I’m more sprinter than long-distance runner; I can mope a four-minute mile, but no way can I mope a marathon. So anyway, the beat goes on.

Thanks yet again to everyone who has offered comment and support, or support without comment, or whatever.

I’ll be posting a bit less for a while, but I won’t be dropping off the face of the earth.

UPDATE II: Earlier, I e-mailed a good friend of mine about what’s happened. Later on, I logged back on to find two messages in the Inbox. One was from that very friend, exorting me to just survive the current crisis. “Survive. Just survive.”

The other message? A spam advert for free cigarettes.

Talk about distilling life to a single binary alternative.

UPDATE III: Thanks one last time for all the well-wishes. It’s all very moving, and highly appreciated.

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32 Responses to Last Update

  1. Jayme Lynn Blaschke says:

    Deepest condolences on your loss.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Words can’t begin to say how devastating this news is. I was sincerely hoping that you would get another healthy child. Know that my family and I are still thinking about you.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I’m so sorry for your loss…

  4. Kevin J. Hosey says:

    Val and I send all the love, hope and good wishes to you and your whole family that we have. We will keep you all, including little Fiona Quinn, in our hearts

  5. Anonymous says:

    Hang in there, I can only imagine what this must feel like for you both. I wish I had commented previously so that this would not be the first you have heard from me, here just about 180k down the highways of Ontario.

    Take good care of yourselves, and know that many people are wishing you the best.

    peace be upon you.

  6. Tal says:

    Oh, I am so sorry for your loss. This just seems so cosmically unfair…please continue to take care of yourself, your wife and your daughter.

    There aren’t really words.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Jaquandor, I’m very, very sorry to hear of your loss. As Tal said, words fail at times like this. But I hope to read your words again, when the time is right. I’ve enjoyed your work here, and the times you’ve visited my blog.

    For now, be with your wife and daughter, and know that we’re all there with you, too, in a sense.

  8. Erin says:

    I am so, so very sorry. If it means anything it all, I’m crying with you right now.

  9. Charlie says:

    I’m so sorry. Peace, as you’re able to find it.

  10. Sean Meade says:

    i am so sorry

  11. Anonymous says:

    Nothing I say will help but I am so, so sorry.

  12. Dean Esmay says:

    Remember your wife needs you now more than ever. Which can be hard. You’re probably both feeling guilty, she more than you, even though neither of you has done anything here to feel guilty about. But especially not your lovely wife.

    There is a tendency in situations like this to withdraw from each other in confusion. Make sure not to let that happen.

    God bless.

  13. Stephen says:

    So very sorry for your loss. All best wishes.

  14. MyMaracas says:

    I am so very sorry to hear this. I know there’s nothing to say that will really ease the pain. Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts, and that I’m wishing you sunnier days to come.


  15. Anonymous says:

    I am so, so sorry. How heartbreaking. You, your wife, your daughter, and Fiona Quinn are all in my prayers. I believe that Fiona is now with her brother, Little Quinn, and the two of them will continue to love you from beyond. They will always be with you, and you with them.

  16. Roger Owen Green says:

    There’s no right way to grieve: write or don’t, talk or don’t. Do what makes sense to you at the moment.
    My prayers to you and your family.

  17. Laura says:

    i am so sorry. so very sorry.

  18. SamuraiFrog says:

    My deepest condolences and warmest thoughts for both of you.

  19. Anonymous says:

    I am so sorry to hear this; you and your family are in my thoughts.

  20. Anonymous says:

    There are no words to express how deepyly, profoundly sorry I am for your loss. Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts. I wish you peace and comfort.

  21. teflonjedi says:

    I’m very sorry to hear this news…we all are.

  22. Anonymous says:

    So very sorry for your loss…May peace be with you.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Within those two hours, Fiona Quinn was loved by a wonderful family. She died without knowing how wonderful they were or how unfair it is for such horribly tragic things to happen to such wonderful people, but all of that and more is still true.

    I’m very sorry for your loss.


  24. Macon says:

    My deepest condolences on your & your family’s loss.

  25. Dan tdaxp says:

    There are no words.

  26. BrokenFiction says:

    I’ve been reading as a lurker for years, and I just had to come out of silence to add my sympathy and prayers to the others here. God bless you and your family.

  27. Unknown says:


    My heart goes out to you and your family. All the best from ours to yours.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Im keeping you all in my thoughts & prayers..Im so sorry for your loss

  29. Anonymous says:

    Wishing you the best . . . my heartfelt condolence goes out to you and your wife . . .

  30. lazydog says:

    I’m very sorry to learn this. My deepest sympathies to you and your family. Be well.

  31. Jen14221 says:

    Kelly, I am so sorry. My thoughts are with you and the family.

  32. Beth says:

    *hugs* to your entire family. I am so sorry to read of this. My thoughts and prayers go out to your entire family.

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