New Month, New Masthead, New Links, New Novel….

Sharp-eyed readers will notice the new masthead image. Last year’s theme of mastheads taken from artworks depicting Arthurian scenes has now ended; this year’s theme is Victorian-Era Paintings of Beautiful Women.

Sharper-eyed viewers will notice a new link in the first parts of the sidebar, to the novel that I’ve decided to serialize on another blog. So it is that with great pride I unveil The Promised King. Available now is the first chapter (which appeared in this blog a few weeks ago, but hey, you gotta start at the beginning) and an Introductory essay in which I outline my intentions and some of the boring genesis-stuff behind the book. The current plan is to post new chapters on the first and third Sundays of each month, so look for Chapter Two in, well, two weeks. Feel free to spread the word (unless you hate the book, in which case I’d rather you didn’t mention it at all).

And super-sharp-eyed readers will note that the blogroll has undergone some tinkering. A few blogs that have either been supplanted or just plain disappeared have been relocated, while others have been added. Be sure to check out the newcomers, because I don’t link crappy blogs. (Bad enough that I write one, har har!)

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