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October tends to be my favorite month, because I always find its cooler weather refreshing after a hot summer, and that’s when baseball is reaching its climax and the NFL season is starting to form its storylines and the TV season is starting. But given the neat things that happen in May, I might have to reconsider:

A Skeptical Blog is a year old.

Kevin Drum had a wedding anniversary.

So did Greg. (Of course, Greg’s not particularly enjoying this particular May, but then, you know….)

(And, actually, so did I. But I don’t talk about myself here. Except when….um….move along, please….)

Matthew Yglesias had a birthday.

Wil Wheaton finished a book.

Each installment of the greatest film series ever came out in May.

And Old Slugworth‘s head exploded in May. (It hasn’t, yet. But it will, when he reads this. Heh heh heh….)

So, it looks like our fifth month — the “Lusty Month of May” — is good for a lot more than just leaving flowers on people’s doorsteps. Happy May!!

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