Untitled Post

OK, I’m getting a little tired now of this page’s inability to load (a) quickly, (b) completely, or (c) at all. I can’t believe it takes that much time for this thing to load — it’s all text, for god’s sake, with pretty limited graphical dressing.

At some point I will probably have enough money to afford hosting somewhere…and then, it’s off to Movable Type.

(Does it say anything that I didn’t know a thing about status.blogger.com until just two or three days ago? A public acknowledgement along the lines of “Here’s the problem, and here’s what we’re doing to fix it” would go a long way toward keeping the natives satisfied. I’m one of those people who doesn’t seek out new alternatives until I’m almost literally forced to do so, and Blogger service lately has been coming close to doing just that.)

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