A Random Wednesday Conversation Starter

What’s your favorite Creedence Clearwater Revival song?

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7 Responses to A Random Wednesday Conversation Starter

  1. Call me Paul says:

    Had to think about this one a bit. I likes me some CCR. I think the internal debate has settled on Lodi. For now.

  2. SK Waller says:

    I used to like CCR. In fact, I saw them in concert back in the day. But since moving here, I've gotten to where I can't stand them because every other song I hear on the radio is either them or Bob Seeger. I'm just a southern Californian trapped in the land of southern Rock. I never hear California bands here, or seldom, anyway.

  3. mad photog says:

    Man, tough choice.
    I guess it's between "Born on the Bayou" & "Fortunate Son".
    Since it's still relevant, I gotta go with "Fortunate Son".

  4. Roger Owen Green says:

    Green River, of course.

  5. Michael May says:

    Down on the corner, out in the street, Willie and the Poor Boys are playing; bring a nickle; tap your feet.

  6. Tonio Kruger says:

    If I'm in the mood for something political, it's "Fortunate Son".

    If I'm in the mood for something creepy to play on my car radio after dark, it's "Run through the Jungle."

    If I'm in the mood for something else, it's "Suzi Q."

  7. Doug says:

    "Run through the Jungle" and "Proud Mary" are two of my favorites.

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