A Random Wednesday Conversation Starter

Mayo on burgers: yay or nay?

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9 Responses to A Random Wednesday Conversation Starter

  1. SK Waller says:

    Yay. Also mustard.

  2. Glenn Whidden says:

    Yay. Sometimes. Depends on my mood.

  3. RedArrow says:


    I am not a fan of mayo on anything.

  4. M. D. Jackson says:

    Nay. Although more tolerable on burgers than on hot dogs (yuch!)

  5. Kerry says:

    Yayyyyy, mayo!
    You had me at "burgers."

  6. SK Waller says:

    In fact, I'm making burgers for dinner tonight. Now I'm really hungry for them!

  7. redsneakz says:

    I think I tried it once, and it wasn't awful, but it wasn't Heinz ketchup. And definitely never with onions.

  8. Lynn says:

    Yay. Sometimes. I usually have mustard but sometimes I put mayo on burgers just for variety.

  9. Roger Owen Green says:

    yes, with ketchup and mustard. or no, without both.

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