A Random Wednesday Conversation Starter

Nobody I know admits to watching Two and a Half Men, and yet, it’s CBS’s highest-rated show. So, do you watch it?

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8 Responses to A Random Wednesday Conversation Starter

  1. M. D. Jackson says:

    I have watched it, though never an entire episode I don't think. Usually I catch the end of an episode while waiting for whatever is going to come on afterwards.

    CBS's highest rated show? Really? I don't get it. Why?

  2. fillyjonk says:


    They re-run an episode at 6:30 after the local news; I will actually walk into the living room (where the tv is) to change the channel if I was listening to the news from another room. That's how I feel about the show.

  3. Call me Paul says:


  4. Roger Owen Green says:

    No, and I'll tell you why. It shows up on syndication at 7 pm in Albany, so I'd see maybe 2 minutes of it, and it never failed: it was vulgar (nothing I wanted my daughter to see), and worse, unfunny.

  5. Mark--> says:

    I watch 2.5 Men.

    Moreover, I frequently laugh at it.

    I shall surrender my credibility now.

  6. Jason says:

    I'm in the minority on this blog, it seems, and this admission is likely to lose me some respect from you all, but yes, I watch Two and a Half Men. The GF and I both think it's funny, especially in the earlier, less absurd seasons. It is vulgar, true — it's not "family viewing" — but it's not meant to be, and I like that it's not sanitized for my protection. Bottom line, though, is that it makes me laugh.

  7. Unknown says:


  8. Lynn says:

    I hated it before it was cool to hate it.

    Seriously, I can't remember if I ever watched a whole episode. My husband watched a few episodes of it and I always had to get up and find something else to do.

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