Saturday Centus

I know, I know. A day late. Yesterday was a pretty busy one, though, so I didn’t get around to mulling over this week’s prompt until late, and I didn’t start writing until this morning. So here it is. I stuck with science fiction again. The best SF stories, for me, are still about what any good story is about: people. Anyway, here it is, with the prompt in bold.

“Your purpose on Mars?” asked Martian Entry Agent Miguel Martinez.

“Work,” James Nelson replied. “None on Earth. There is on Mars.”

“M-hm.” Agent Martinez finished searching the Nelsons’ baggage. James sighed with relief. “Any illegal contraband requires immediate force-return to Earth,” the sign said. Families had been sent back for the smallest things in their transpo-crates.

Emily, James’s daughter, squirmed in his wife Molly’s arms. “Shhh,” she said.

Now Martinez was scanning the Nelsons’ purple entry-and-work visa. Everything depended on this single card: one problem with their purple card, and it was back to Earth.

“Pass through,” Martinez said.

James exhaled. The Nelsons were immigrants now.

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11 Responses to Saturday Centus

  1. Kat says:

    The more things change, the more they stay the same. Nice, original and imaginative take on the prompt. Well done. Kat

  2. Jo says:

    I am totally not a sci-fi girl … but geez, i'm getting quite fond of your sci-fi takes on the prompts … what a wonderful imagination!

  3. Nonna says:

    Very well done !!!

    Imaginative, suspenseful and mirrors the news stories/issues happening now. I love a good SciFi story too !

  4. Susan Anderson says:

    Glad their papers were in order!

    I'm really enjoying you sci-fi stuff.


  5. Unknown says:

    I agree with Sue…it's always interesting visiting your place and reading what you come up with.

  6. e says:

    Loved it, love that you do the sci-fi take on it, and you do it so well. Nice write!

  7. Deborah says:

    Very clever … brilliantly done!

  8. Judie says:

    Wow! Yet another different take on the prompt! Mine was way too mundane. Brava to you!!

  9. 21 Wits says:

    oh heavens yes! the scary purple card…who would have thought…great take on prompt! love your blog photo in header!

  10. cj Schlottman says:

    You sci-fi folks have sizable imaginations! I really enjoyed this piece. Your concrete images make it very visual.


  11. Jenny says:

    Absolutely, totlly, completely my favorite SC this week! I love the way you took something familiar to my memory and pushed it far into the future.

    I envisioned other less 'lucky' families being turned away.

    I envisioned a laser projected Mars Statue of Liberty of sorts projected into the center of a cavernous room aka Ellis Island.



    Just …


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