Saturday Centus – The Return!

OK, folks, we’re now far enough into January that life is settling back down in a quasi-normal kind of thing. The Holiday season just past was a wonderful one, but it was also abnormally busy, even by my standards — the Holidays are always busy, but this time it was “Wow, what a whirlwind!” I eventually just had to put some things on the back burner, such as regular features of this blog — the Centus among them. Well, now I’m ready to jump back in again, so here we go…only, this week’s prompt assumes that I’ve done the last two prompts. This, therefore, means that I need to resort to trickery and skulduggery. In short…I am going to cheat, and do all three prompts in one.

Prompt the first was to write a cliffhanger; prompt the second was to resolve it; prompt the third is to give it an epilogue. OK? OK! So, I now offer a haiku. Line one is the cliffhanger, line two is the resolution, and line three, the epilogue.

Will he or won’t he?
He thinks and chooses, “I will!”
And therefore, he did.

A belated Happy New Year to all Centusians, and it’s good to see you all again!

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9 Responses to Saturday Centus – The Return!

  1. Susan Anderson says:

    Clever way to play catch-up!


  2. noexcuses says:

    I missed the last two, as well! I cannot top your "keep it simple" and wonderful Haiku, but I will also resort to cheating in some way to play catch up…sometime later today!

  3. Nonna says:

    So perfect as a way to reengage in Saturday Centus…you are very talented…missed you !!! 😀

  4. Nonna says:

    LOVE your new header too !

  5. anitamombanita says:

    You rocked that one!!

  6. Judie says:

    As I quoted Shakespeare in my post, "Brevity is the soul of wit."

    This rocked, Soul Man!!

  7. Ames says:

    I'll trade you my stupid one for your short one?~Ames

  8. Jo says:

    brilliant catch up post!

  9. Jenny says:

    ha! I'm cracking up here! You're a genius!

    So much mystery…so few words!

    I'm glad your holidays were so fabulous! And I'm really glad to see you here again!

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