Untitled Post

SDB did what I think he does best the other day: he took an experience of his own and used it to illustrate something from science or engineering. In this case, tool-making. It seems he had some functionality problems with an updated version of his blogging software, and those problems gave rise to this fascinating essay about what tools should do and the pitfalls toolmakers of all stripes must avoid.

Although, I have to point out the section where he describes pants as a tool and the problems that can arise from poor “pants design”. In the course of the article, SDB talks about tools “vanishing” and “unvanishing”. Those are metaphors, obviously – – read the article to see what they mean – – but when I got to the pants section, SDB had me envisioning this engineer walking through downtown San Diego in wool pants and suddenly stopping to exclaim, “My pants have vanished!” And passers-by would shake their heads and say, “Oh, how sad…another Qualcomm engineer whose pants have vanished!”

Hmmm….it’s possible my posting break was not quite long enough….

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