Sentential Links #190


:: We’re all born trying to pick up the thread..

:: This list means nothing, except to me. It’s a list of 50 movies that gave me pleasure over the past decade. I can say without reservation that I would watch any of these again. Would I say that all of them are great films, however great films are supposed to be defined? Probably not. But that’s nothing you need to worry about. Because it’s my list.

:: This list means nothing, except to me. It’s a list of 50 movies that gave me pleasure over the past decade. I can say without reservation that I would watch any of these again. Would I say that all of them are great films, however great films are supposed to be defined? Probably not. But that’s nothing you need to worry about. Because it’s my list. (Yes, two different posts use the same quote. Sheila takes the same idea from the one linked above. And yes, I’ll be doing the same thing.)

Actually, that’s about it. I wasn’t online very much, after all.

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